Books for your New Year

As we roll into the new year, I wanted to share some of the books I read this year! I hope there is one you can pick up a book that can bring you some more wisdom this new year 🙂 Toward the end of this post, I will also spit fire some of the books I want to read in 2022! Let’s get started!

  1. The Women of the Bible Speak

I had never heard of the author until I read this book. I wasn’t expecting much of it however, I was pleasantly surprised when I actually found some great wisdom in the pages. This book covers well known and overlooked women in the bible. I appreciate that because in modern day America we overlook some real rock stars of biblical times. At the beginning of each of the 16 chapters the books of the bible they are located in. That makes this book is great for a new believer or if you want to get into reading more of the bible in general.

2. Crazy love by Francis Chan

I think Francis Chan and I would be friends. Haha anyway, this is my second time reading Crazy love and I adored it even more! In America we tend to get really comfortable in our faith. The sad part is that Jesus loves us with a radical love. Chan calls out all of the normal comfort and calls us to be more in love with Jesus. It is great if you are a new believer in Jesus or if you have been walking with him for a while. I 100% think that everyone should read it at some point.

3.Enjoy the silence by Maggie and Duffy Robbins

This one is a devoritonal and is so good. I am kind of obsessed with finding Jesus in everything. As an extrovert it has always been hardest to meet with him in the silence. I have been learning this for two years now that Jesus shows up in the silence. There is something really beautiful about just hanging out with him. There are some ‘meditation’ type devotions in this which I really enjoyed. I think Christians tend to think all meditation is bad. However, it can be deeply rewarding to meditate on meeting with Jesus. This book could be harder for newer believers to enoy initially. None the less I think it is beautiful. It could be really rewarding if you wanted to try something new with you personal time with Jesus.

4.Plan B: Further thoughts on faith

I started to read this from another book that mentioned it. It was super interesting! There are so many life lessons that you can take from this book. However, I would not suggest reading it if you are new to knowing Jesus. Anne Lamott is super comfotorable and secure in her faith. With that she ends up bringing other religions into the book that might make it confusing to follow if you are new.

5. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Last but NOT least! John Mark Comer is my favorite pastor. In this book he addresses how our world today will encourage us to be busy all the time. Maybe even to busy for God. Comer gives lots of information in an easy to read way and always gives you something to apply to your life. If Im honest, I might end up reading this one again in 2022. This is also a great book to read with others. I read it with my friend and it was a lot of fun! If you are new to your faith or if you have been walking with Jesus for a while you can find this book helpful.

Books I want to read

The first two books are apologetics type books. I have always found apologetics fascinating. I am really excited to start to dive into apologetics more. ..

This one is something I was given randomly over a year ago. I found it again and realized we could all grow in grace. If anyone wants to read it with me let me know :))

I have several of these types of books and I adore them. I read half of the one on John and half on the one on Matthew! They are great if you want to focus on one book and really get to know it. I cant wait to read another (or finished one of the previous ones)

Finally, I am reading this book for a class soon and I can not wait to start!

I hope you found at least one new book to read in 2022! As always much love and God bless! :)) dms are open for prayer requests


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