The Old Testament Part 1…

Hello! I hope you are having a great week! The Old testament is not often talked about so if you are reading this you are already taking a step of faith haha! I would tell you why you should read the Old Testament however, I would rather give you places to start in this post. I love to give advice to help others but, Gods word speaks for itself. I know most of the Old Testament can be intimidating so let’s start simple!

First if you haven’t read all of Genesis... Start there! There are 50 chapters which sounds like a lot but it goes pretty fast. It also has everything!

Second – The Wisdom Books – Some of my favorites any time of life. These would be Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. If you are being technical a couple other books would be considered wisdom books. However, for the purpose of beginners I would start with these three. Even if you know nothing about any of the books of the bible this is another great way to get warmed up. A Proverbs a day keeps the Devil away! Haha I love each of the books for different reasons. They all have different great things to offer! To explain them further I suggest this video :

Third – Pick a person πŸ™‚ – There are SO many different great believers. My favorite right now is Moses, especially in the wilderness. Joshua took over after Moses and I adore him too. Job, Esther, Ruth, all have their own books. However, there are so many others that don’t have their own books. They all have different things to teach us that are so valuable!

Forth- Minor Prophets – There are twelve. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. I hope this picture isn’t blurry πŸ™‚

These are typically only a couple chapters long and will always teach you something!

Fifth- Read the whole Old testament.… Some of it will seem point less at the time. However, as someone who has read it multiple times I can say it is full of purpose. I have been encouraged by the Old Testament more times than I can count. I have been encouraged as a follower of Christ, as a leader, as a women, and encouraged to do more. One of the things that I am convicted of every time is we don’t set enough time apart from other things to worship God.

I hope this encourages you to open your bible. PERIOD. Hahaha! The God of the universe and my bestest friend Jesus wants to hang out with YOU! If that means you trying something I suggest … YAY! If not thats ok too! Just spend time with Him πŸ™‚

HE loves you SO MUCH! Dm me prayer requests. Much love and God bless- Isabel πŸ™‚

One thought on “The Old Testament Part 1…

  • December 29, 2020 at 3:59 pm

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